June 11, 2010

The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, second edition

Here is another cookbook I just had to post, "The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook". I can hardly try these recipes fast enough. The authors Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre, MS, CN, are fellow graduates of Bastyr University. This may make me slightly bias :). If you want to dive into a life of whole foods or start cooking with less gluten and dairy this book is a must to add to your cookbook collection.

Yes, many of these recipes are going to take some getting use to. Some of you may need to acquire the taste for certain grains, textures or flavors. This book has a little for everyone.

The recipes in this book are extreme if you haven't tried experimenting with a lot of "alternative" ingredients, but don't get discouraged.

This book is a blessing to those who have to eat gluten-free and dairy-free.

Yes, you will need to stock your pantry with items like: xanthan gum, arrowroot powder and tapioca flour. I typically try to steer away from recipes with these ingredients in them. They don't always turn out tasting like what we are use to. I like to target alternative recipes that use things we are more familiar with. Although, that being said I am determined to pull out the recipes in this book that are wonderful additions to the "normal" good old fashion home cooking we all love.

Keep an eye on my upcoming post. I will share the recipes from this book that I think most all people will love! Enjoy!

(Check the book out on Amazon)
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1 comment:

Kristin said...

How cool that you know the authors! I think I need this book. I'll have to save up for it and get it soon!